Thurston and Lovey

No phone, no lights, no motorcars (oh, wait no, that’s something else)

Every home should have at least one pet to learn what unconditional love really is; without one, you’ll never know.

In 1994, I found myself without a pet and I couldn’t remember the last time I didn’t have a cat or dog to come home to.

I decided to check the Dewey animal shelter. They didn’t have many cats available so I told my wife, “We’ll come back in a couple days.” I wanted a cat to pick us and not the other way around. It was a little sad that I couldn’t find one that day.

Then the strangest thing happened; as we were walking out, I heard “Meow”, so I turn around and there is a beautiful 12 week old kitten who looks just like Morris the famous cat.

Someone had brought him back. I bent down and he began talking to me with his paws outside the cage, just wanting me to take him. I opened the cage and he hugged me; that was it, I was getting my gift.

We named him Caesar. This April 7th will be 2 years since Caesar passed. My wife and I still catch glimpses of him in the house. I have so many memories and stories, but it’s time to build new ones. I have Caesar’s blessing because I truly believe he helped us to heal.

A few weeks after Caesar passed, my wife and I said we’re going to take a little time and then look for a brother and sister that we can adopt in the fall or after the holidays.

About 3 weeks later, I can’t tell you why, I said, “Let’s take a ride.” We went to a Petsmart not far from where we live. My wife and I have never been in that store, but it’s Satruday - adoption day - the cats are out and we’re just looking.

While I’m there I meet these two lovely ladies named Kate and Kay and we start talking. I mention that I would like to adopt a sister/brother sometime in the future. Kate said that she was fostering a brother and sister, but they have to go together because these two are special.

Tale by Paul Sampagnaro.

She had never seen two cats like this. They break a lot of the cat roles, that’s how close they are. When you see one, you always see the other. Needless to say, we adopted them and named them Thurston and Lovey.

Our house is like cat Disneyland: Towers by the windows to watch the birds, towers in most rooms, wall shelves everywhere and plenty of toys for everyday play.

I love the morning time. I’m first up and I get my coffee and turn on the computer. Lovey will come in first, directly into my arms, laying like a baby for 20 minutes. We talk and then she goes in her bed on the desk and back to sleep.

Thurston will come in a short time later and walk between my legs with me bending over, rubbing his belly and then jump on the rug covered desk and go back to sleep. They must be together and they must be with me because they never know what surprises Daddy has in store for them.

They get up from their nap around noon and run and play just like kids; sometimes going into their toy box and bringing stuff out, or chasing each other - that’s how we know it’s crazy time.

After, they go to different windows, watching the people, cars, birds and animals passing by. Another nap later and it’s time to play their favorite game with the rod and feathers. We play until we all need a rest.

I clean their dinner area, measure their food and give them fresh water. If I could tell people to just feed good food you’ll notice the difference right away.

Lovey takes an hour nap by herself in her room and Thurston will stay with me and watch TV. You can see them comfort one another with a kiss, head rub, or paw around the neck.

Once I caught Lovey on the top of the tower, trying to stretch her paw all the way to the bottom. I don’t know what she’s doing but then I see Thurston stand up to meet her paw, and they give a kitty kiss, then each one goes back to sleep.

I tell people every day how lucky we are to have found each other, and Caesar - thank you for your guidance.